Aztec Temple Complex (Work-in-Progress)

When I started on this, I spent a good hour trying to find out what Mesoamerican pyramids looked like inside. As it turns out, there usually is no interior other than the temple at the top.

But do you know what’s inside a lot of pyramids? More pyramids. There was a gigantic pyramid called the Templo Mayor in Mexico City that was destroyed by the conquistadors and they found six pyramids nested inside it.

Here’s a picture of what it would’ve looked like before it was razed. Imagine if that thing was in the middle of Mexico City right now. God, that would be cool.

2 Replies to “Aztec Temple Complex (Work-in-Progress)”

  1. Very cool! Love your maps, you always do a great job. The double temples at the top are awesome and could definitely be cool for something like a wizard fight. Always the historical accuracy too!

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