I want to get your thoughts on Vatican City as a potential megaproject for later this year. It’s the only country I can draw in its entirety, for several reasons. First, because it’s fairly small. And second, because most of the buildings are famous and the floor plans are publicly available. This includes (click for photo):
- St. Peter’s Basilica
- The Apostolic Palace
- The Vatican Museums
- The Belvedere Court
- The Vatican Grottoes
- The Roman Necropolis
There are some smaller buildings I don’t have floor plans for and would have to make up. There are also a few modern buildings that won’t be included, like the train station and the Paul VI Audience Hall, which is probably the ugliest thing in the Vatican.
I’d draw this one building at a time, rather than all at once. So each building would have its own map, as well as being added to the overall map. Once all the buildings are done, I’d draw in the gardens to finish it off.
If I draw this, I would alternate between drawing Vatican maps and other maps, so it wouldn’t be the only thing I was working on. Also, I am still drawing the previously-announced megaproject first. And, just to clarify, this would be a 5′ (1.5m) grid scale battlemap of the entire Vatican, inside and outside, including upper and lower levels. I’d estimate this project would take somewhere around a year to a year and a half to finish.
So, is this something you’d be interested in? I’ll be making the decision on whether or not to draw this based on the response to this post, so leave a comment or shoot me a message to let me know how you feel. If you’ve got any questions or other thoughts, let me hear those as well. Your feedback will decide the future of this project.