The Stygian City: History and Lore Overview – Updated

Here’s the updated overview of the Stygian City lore. I added a summary of every level so you can get an idea of what’s on each floor. If you want more details on the lore, the inhabitants of the dungeon and suggestions on running a campaign here, there are DM notes available to patrons.

They’re 18 pages long and I feel like I wrote a book. The DM notes aren’t a campaign, but they’re the framework of one and, if you’re thinking about running a game in the Stygian City, they’ll probably be pretty useful.

Anyway, that’s it for now. I’ll be back with a big, floating wizard tower sometime around the end of the month. Until then!

The Stygian City: Bottom of the Pit

So, here we are at the bottom. Remember that circle-and-star symbol I’ve been drawing on the floors throughout this dungeon? Yeah. This is what that’s about.

So, the Stygian City is finished, but it’s not. For patrons, I’ll be drawing a few alternate bottom levels, which will include an underwater aboleth lair, a vault for some kind of artifact or entity, and a gateway to the underdark (or Hell or wherever). I’m also going to draw one where the bottom is just full of trash and debris, because I think that’d be pretty funny. What did you expect to find down there? A giant monster?

In my last post, I talked about an idea for the next megaproject. Just to let you know, the response was overwhelmingly positive, so that will be happening. I want to finish up the alternate levels of the Stygian City first, so it’ll probably be a couple months before I get started, but I’ll get to it before long.

I’m also going to make a Stygian City Codex for patrons, a brief overview of each level for non-patrons and there are a few more things I want to add to the DM notes.

But before all that, I’ll be drawing the next Cartographic Congress map, the Palace of Thorns. This is the palace of a dark fae lord, which is covered in vines and thorny overgrowth. I don’t know how I’m going to draw this place just yet, but I’ll figure it out.

Anyway, I hope you like the way I finished out the Stygian City! Let me know what you think.

The Stygian City 16, 17 & 18: The Myconid Village

The next batch of floors in the Stygian City includes a myconid village on the 16th level, an ancient oracle on the 17th and a center for magical research on the 18th. The next three floors will be the last and will include the thing that lies at the bottom of the pit: Ghanya. I’m also going to draw three or four alternate bottom levels for patrons, but that’s it for the canonical Stygian City.

To a large extent, I’ve been writing the lore of this place around building players up for a horrifying revelation when they reach the bottom and discover that people dug this giant hole and built a city around it so they could feed themselves to a monster. So I’ve really been looking forward to drawing the freakish monstrosity at the bottom of the pit and I’ll be doing that before long.

First, though, I’ll be drawing a map of a village carved into the sides of a river canyon with windows and balconies dotting the rock faces and rope bridges strung between the sides. It looks cool in my head, which usually means it’ll make a good map.

Anyway, if you’ve got any questions or thoughts about the map, let me know.

Here’s this.

I got home from Spain a few days ago and I’m back to work on coloring the next three levels of the Stygian City. In the meantime, here’s a collection of the first 12 levels I made a while back. It doesn’t include the 13-15th levels, but I’ll make another one with all the floors once it’s finished.

Anyway, Barcelona was great. Beautiful city, perfect weather, nothing to complain about. Except maybe the tap water. That’s, uh… it’s got a texture to it. Possibly an acquired taste.

Anyway, I’ll be back once I’ve got some more work done on the next few levels. Until then!

The Stygian City 16, 17 & 18 (Work-in-Progress)

Here’s the art for the next three levels of the Stygian City. We’ve got the myconid colony on 16, an ancient oracle on 17 and the ruins of the warlocks’ guild on 18. As you can see, some things happened there that were not super amazing. Magic do be like that sometimes.

Tomorrow, I’ll be heading to Spain to see some friends for a couple days, so I might be a little slow to respond to messages, but I’ll check my email once a day if I’m able. This is where my D&D group moved, by the way. Half of my players had kids and didn’t have time to play anymore and the other half moved to Spain. Then the ones that had kids moved to Spain too.

Anyway, if anyone has any suggestions for things to do in Barcelona, let me know. In the meantime, I’m gonna get to it and see how much of this I can get colored before I leave.

The Stygian City 13, 14 & 15: The Kuo-Toa Colony

On the 13th level, the pit intersects with a small, underground river, which eventually leads to the underdark. So, after the city became abandoned, it was only a matter of time before the kuo-toa found the place and moved in. Which they did.

The kuo-toa Archpriest who rules the colony wants to expand his territory, but unfortunately, he’s stuck between an ancient night hag above and a circle of myconids below. He’s scared of the night hag and he should be. She’s got half a dozen Pit Fiends on speed dial. But he feels like he’s got a chance against the myconids, so he’s planning an attack across the broken bridge over the 15th level that serves as the border between their domains.

The 16th level– the center of the myconid colony– will look a lot like the mold-covered half of the 15th. A huge fungal garden growing around a set of ancient fountains. After that, things are going to start getting weird as we get closer to Ghanya. The myconids are the last friendly folks for the party to encounter in the pit.

There are only six more levels to draw before we reach the bottom and I think this should be done before the end of the year. I’ve got a few ideas for the next megaproject and the one after that and I’ll talk about those before too long to see what everyone thinks.

But next up, I’ll be drawing last month’s Cartographic Congress winner, a Bronze Age Mycenaean citadel. Here’s one example, although I don’t know if I’ll be drawing a map inspired by that one specifically. Anyway, Greek stuff! Everybody loves Greek stuff.

Well, I’m gonna browse some pictures of Mycenaean palaces. Hope you like how the Stygian City is coming. Let me know what you think!

The Stygian City: 13, 14 & 15 (Work-in-Progress)

This is the art for the kuo-toa settlement in the Stygian City. A small, underground river flows past the 13th level, which is how the fish people found the abandoned settlement and moved in. On the 15th level, a broken bridge across the pit separates the kuo-toa from the myconid colony below.

By the way, I’ve revised the plans a bit for the rest of the project. Here’s what I’ve got in mind now:

1-2: The village
3: Villagers’ mines
4: A maze of tunnels and collapsed chambers overrun by mold
5: Caverns inhabited by giant bats
6: Catacombs
7: Goblin village
8: Giant spiders, huge webs strung across the pit
9: Ancient temple
10: Industrial workshops
11: Hag’s thralls
12: Night Hag’s palace
13: Kuo-toa settlement and river
14: Main kuo-toa settlement
15: Bridge across pit between kuo-toa and myconids
16: Myconid colony around a crumbling fountain
17: Ancient oracle and library with a long-abandoned scholars’ camp containing notes about the pit’s history
18: Undead/Demons. Magic Stuff?
19: Ancient prison
20: Ceremonial jumping point with temple
21: The bottom: Ghanya (with several variants of the bottom level, including a sealed vault/prison, underdark entrance, trash and debris and aboleth lair).

1-16 are pretty much locked in, but if you’ve got any thoughts about what might fit in anywhere below that, let me know. If I like it and I can work it in, I just might.

The Stygian City 10, 11 & 12: The Hag’s Domain

Here’s the non-annotated version of the map.

The next three levels of the Stygian City are finally finished and, as you can see, there’s a lot going on. I’m giving out the annotated version to everyone and, for patrons, there are in-depth explanations of everything in the DM notes. I wrote 4 pages of notes on these three floors alone, including some encounters and suggestions for monsters to populate the place with. If nothing else, read the part about the flesh golems in the 12th level. If I need to see a psychiatrist for coming up with something like that, let me know.

The next few levels of the map will be a kuo-toa settlement with an underground river running through it. After that, there’ll be a myconid colony, with whom the kuo-toa are in a state of… not friends. I’d say this project is about halfway done at this point, maybe a little more. Feels like pretty good progress to me.

Next, I’ll be drawing a draconic hatchery, where dragons and wyverns are raised, trained and ridden. Riding dragons is often regarded as some highly 1990s D&D, but let’s be honest: it still goes hard. And I feel like it’s something that everyone thinks all experienced players have done at some point, but hardly anyone has. So, you know, something to think about.

Anyway, if you’ve got any thoughts or questions about the map or anything else, by all means let me know.