New Giltwater – A Gold Mining Colony

Here’s a version without the mines.

New Giltwater is a gold mining colony in Tir Thelandira. After the last colony was burned to the ground by the island’s native wood elves, the colonists have taken a few more precautions this time around, building a palisade and keeping a few companies of mercenaries close by.

There are only three more maps to draw before Tir Thelandira is finished. After that, I’ve got a few ideas on what to start on next and I’ll probably let patrons vote on which one you want to see first. Here’s what I’m thinking about:

  1. Dhasra. An incredibly wealthy city built across a river delta. The main location on the island would be the White City of Dhasra and I’d draw an overview of the city, then detailed maps of different locations within the city. There might be a couple other locations on the island as well.
  2. A very bleak island whose noble families all became vampires long ago. The peasants are little more than livestock for the nobles, who have established an upper caste of commoners to keep the rest in line. The nobles live in lavish palaces with fountains of blood, while the serfs live as prisoners in their own lands. A few groups of wanderers roam the forests, living free from the predation of the nobility. Deep in the shadows, there is talk of an uprising.
  3. A new version of Tortuga. I’ll redesign it and it’ll probably be a bit smaller, but the same basic idea. Since I’m drawing a world full of islands, it seems like an interesting way to travel between them. It lets the party stay on the move, while also having a community of people they know around them.

By the way, the runoff vote for the next location in Tir Thelandira is open, so if you’re a patron, go over there and participate in democracy. It’s really close right now, so your vote very well might change the outcome.

Anyway, I’d love to hear your thoughts on those three ideas. What you like, what you don’t or what might make them better. I really want to draw all three, but I’d like to hear your opinions first.

7 Replies to “New Giltwater – A Gold Mining Colony”

    1. I’ll post a more detailed description in a few weeks when I’m ready to find out what people want to see next. I don’t have a complete picture of what I want to do with Dhasra, but I do have more than I’ve written into the lore so far. The people are mostly humans.

      What’s going on in Tir Thelandira might make them look like the bad guys, but they’re not really. They’re somewhat inspired by the Indian city of Amritsar and Dhasra will almost certainly have something similar to the Golden Temple of Amritsar.

  1. I’ve built some concepts around vampires in my own writing if you want some ideas whenever you get around to that island

      1. I have just under 10 subclasses of vampire loosely based on a selection of monsters from Romanian folklore. Each has different supernatural and biological capabilities and their potential stations in their society range from royal bodyguards, to assassins, to scouts, to thralls and vampiric commoners.

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